Yes, that is correct.
In addition, we must never forget that if French is doing well in Quebec, that will have an effect outside the province. Plays and films created in Quebec become cultural products to which francophones in the other provinces also have access. As well, for francophone artists in the other provinces who want to sell their music, for example, the Quebec market will be important, as long as it has a sufficient number of francophones.
So from the sociodemographic point of view, we have the same interests. They really must not be pitted against each other. That is why we have to end this symmetrical approach, the effect of which is that if French gains ground in the other provinces it necessarily loses ground in Quebec. We really have to put an end to that. It is damaging in political terms, since it pits francophones in the other provinces against francophones in Quebec.
That approach is also harmful in another way. I will give you an example. Recently, someone told me about a federal government initiative, the creation of Women and Gender Equality Canada. The government funds community groups and tells them that one of the things it can fund is the creation of bilingual tools.
Since the approach is symmetrical, that applies in Quebec and in the other provinces. Since people in community groups are bilingual, we produce bilingual tools in Quebec, while that is much less often the case in the other provinces.
As a result, a measure that is the same everywhere ultimately contributes a lot to the promotion of English in Quebec but very little to the promotion of French in the other provinces.
To achieve substantive equality, more must really be done for French in the other provinces and also in Quebec.