Mr. Bastarache, I must say, as a kind of preamble, that I found it somewhat insulting that you said, or suggested, that English was tolerated in Quebec, whereas the anglophone institutions there are overfunded by the Quebec government. The anglophone minority in Quebec can't be compared in any way with minorities outside Quebec.
In that connection, here's what the United Nations Human Rights Committee stated in a decision in 1993: "A group may constitute a majority in a province but still be a minority in a State and thus be entitled to the benefits of article 27 [of the covenant]. English speaking citizens of Canada cannot be considered a linguistic minority." The UN that said that.
The groups that challenge the Charter of the French language are funded under the Official Languages Act. Virtually all funding granted under the act is used exclusively to strengthen English, anglophone institutions, anglophone pressure groups and English-language instruction in francophone institutions.