You are asking me to express an opinion on what is happening in Quebec with regard to the Charter of the French Language and whether it is achieving its objectives.
I was born and raised in Saskatchewan. I follow with interest what is happening in Quebec, as I should. I have read recent books by sociologists and demographers, who say that, despite all the efforts resulting from Bill 101, the French language is still very much under threat in Quebec, especially in Montreal. Moreover, there seems to be a huge attraction to English-language institutions, especially English-language post-secondary institutions.
As an individual from outside Quebec, I observe that the French language in Quebec is still in a precarious situation and that it would be only natural for the federal government and the Quebec government to do what is necessary to protect it. From what I observe, the English-language post-secondary education system in Quebec has been in existence for almost 200 years. So it has a head start on what is happening outside Quebec for the French-speaking minority.
Since French is still a minority language in North America, and English seems to be becoming more and more the language of business around the world, I think it's only right that the federal and provincial governments take further steps to better protect the French language and francophone culture, even in Quebec.