All right. Basically, the new amendment incorporates Mr. Godin's amendments, from the Conservative Party, regarding knowledge of both official languages. It also incorporates some of the Liberal and NDP amendments on francophone immigration.
The first part of the amendment proposes that Bill C‑13, in clause 2, be replaced, at line 20 on page 2, with “the duty to provide opportunities for everyone”.
Line 20 of the bill states that it recognizes the importance of providing every person in Canada the opportunity to learn a second official language. As we know, all students in Quebec have an obligation to learn English as a second language. So it only seems reasonable to me that the reverse would apply and that in the rest of Canada students would have an obligation to learn a second official language as a second language.
That's the first part. I don't know if you want us to proceed part by part or study the entire proposed amendment.