Thank you for the question. I may ask Mr. Newman to add to my answer.
Because I am not a lawyer, I can't say what "shall" and "take into account" mean, but, in my humble opinion, it imposes an obligation on us, if we consider the regulations made under Part IV of the act, that might mean different treatment with respect to the offer of services for minority francophone communities and minority anglophone communities.
I referred to minority language schools located near a federal office. Is the radius smaller? I also referred to signage. Is there less signage to attract attention to a federal office? Are there hours when the service is offered in both languages, or maybe in only one language? At present, service is offered in both languages 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Equal quality of services is our principle, both for situations in Quebec and for situations outside Quebec. A bilingual federal office is bilingual at all times.
Under this provision, the question will have to be asked. We will have an obligation to distinguish between treatment designed to help anglophone communities in Quebec and treatment intended to support francophone communities outside Quebec.