Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I just heard, in reply to a question asked by my colleague Mr. Housefather, that anglophones in Quebec would be hurt as a result of this amendment. That is what I understood.
I am finding it hard to understand how they could be hurt.
I will reread amendment CPC-15, which would add this to section 33 of the act:
(2) In exercising its powers and performing its duties and functions, the Governor in Council shall take into account the minority situation of French in Canada due to the predominant use of English and the linguistic specificity of Quebec.
That is a real thing. That is an observation.
In this amendment, we are asking that the Governor in Council take into account the minority situation of French; it is not an obligation. We are not trying to use this amendment to disadvantage anglophones in Quebec. The purpose of this amendment is to protect French in Quebec and elsewhere. However, we understand that the content proposed in this amendment is more specific to Quebec.
Could you explain what you said earlier about the repercussions of this amendment for anglophones and anglophone minorities in Quebec? I don't understand your remarks.