Chair, the majority and common language in Quebec is French. We know that French is in decline. It is true that we need to protect both official languages in Canada, French and English, but we also need to protect French in Quebec. That is the purpose of my subamendment.
I move that amendment LIB-38.1, proposing to amend Clause 50 at page 37 of Bill C-13, be amended by substituting “protection and promotion of the French language in Canada. ” by the following:
protection and promotion of the French language in Canada, including in the province of Quebec.
I think it is important to add this complement to ensure that French in Quebec is rightly considered as in decline, even though it is not a minority language. In Canada, Quebec has the most francophones. We need to recognize Quebec as a leader, which has an impact on all francophone minorities in Canada, in every province and territory.