In this case, it's a report that's still in the writing stage, so I only have the preliminary data.
Personally, I was assigned to the community of Yellowknife, where I had the opportunity to visit. I've seen great progress there, and it's not just due to the Welcoming Francophone Communities initiative. A lot has happened in terms of immigration, there's been a before and an after. However, some communities have been less successful than others.
In Yellowknife and smaller communities like yours, we found that people were finally being welcomed in a more humane way and participating in socializing activities. In fact, we weren't just offering them a service, like helping them write their resumes, and people were grateful. It also generated engagement. When things are done right, it makes organizations that don't have a specific mandate for settlement services more sensitive to appointing immigrants to their board of directors, for example. It also raises community awareness.