As far as recognition of professional skills is concerned, the idea of creating a table with the professional bodies for accelerated recognition of prior learning has been put forward. That would certainly be a step in the right direction.
I can point to another proposal. In the Canadian system, although the federal government plays a role in education, it falls, as you know, under provincial and territorial jurisdiction. We are already seeing a willingness on the part of some provinces to create more spots in faculties of education so that more students to enrol. So, at the end of their studies, mathematically, there should be more graduates and therefore new teachers available for French-language schools.
We also need to do more to promote the positions that are available. We’re hearing from our school boards, which are employers, that recruiting from abroad is an extremely cumbersome process, often with only modest results. It requires fairly robust human resources management services to support interested candidates in their efforts to have their professional skills recognized, and in their search for accommodation. Indeed, as you know, today’s employers don’t just give an employee a job, they also have to take care of settling them in. Given the housing crisis, we’re experiencing this very acutely in our school boards. So it creates a difficult situation for smaller school boards—