Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Chair and members of the committee, thank you for inviting the Multicultural Association Chaleur Region to take part in this discussion, which I hope will assist you in forming a clear understanding of the dynamics contributing to rising francophone immigration. I hope I have answers for all your questions.
My team and I experience immigration every day. We play a vital role in integrating newcomers. We work hard to settle and ensure the economic integration of newcomers to the Chaleur region. Our community is growing every day with the influx of permanent residents, international students and temporary workers. Francophone immigration is a source of cultural dynamism that brings with it new traditions, new arts and new perspectives to our already rich and varied cultural landscape.
The Multicultural Association is one of the four centres in Canada that welcome francophone refugee clients who mostly come from Africa. Canada affords refugees the opportunity to build new lives thanks to our collective efforts. The francophone and Acadian communities want to take in, integrate and include refugees whether they speak French or not.
Francophone immigration reinforces our existing communities and offers francophones and francophiles from around the world a land of welcome where they can flourish, make their contribution and form an integral part of our Canadian family. By welcoming more francophones, we invest in the continued existence of the French language and culture in Canada.
My team and I provide support for the intake and orientation services offered to immigrants. We provide employment support, social and cultural integration assistance, family services and emergency support. Our focus is on professional and linguistic integration. In our region, we strive to encourage citizens to open up and discover these new cultures and this new labour force that has come from elsewhere. We establish partnerships with employers to facilitate placements for francophone immigrants in positions consistent with their qualifications.
Francophone immigration also affords undeniable economic benefits. These newcomers are often highly qualified and bring with them invaluable skills that help grow our economy. They establish businesses, innovate and participate actively in our local prosperity.
As an association, we attend Destination Canada forums to promote our regions and francophone immigration to Canada. Through these forums, we promote other provinces where it is possible to live in French outside Quebec. We have encouraged newcomers to settle in our province and start up businesses while retaining the French language.
Together with La Ruche, we also offer a mentoring program staffed with experts. We provide necessary services and tools to jumpstart businesses so that newcomers and students can form a clearer understanding of the Canadian system and thus make a comfortable start.
Thanks to immigration programs such as New Brunswick's strategic initiative component, skilled francophone workers who have the necessary education level and occupational experience can gain access to permanent residence and thus contribute to the province's economy.
Issues do arise, of course. Our clients are currently experiencing credential recognition problems. We have French teachers from Africa who are not allowed to exercise their occupation despite the labour shortage in that sector. A major step forward has been taken for francophone health sector workers, who may now practise their profession as professional nurses thanks to recruitment missions and international agreements. However, most employers are anglophone, and that is also a handicap for francophone newcomers looking for their first jobs.
As I explained, our association assists newcomers even before they arrive and until they are completely integrated. For example, we also have children who enter a new school system and have to get used to a new culture, which may be very different from that of their country of origin. Being an immigrant myself and having lived in various countries, I can say today that Canada is an immigration and integration model. It is important both to raise and maintain the level of francophone immigration.
In conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, francophone immigration to Canada is a good thing, a major asset to our country. However, it requires a thoughtful and balanced approach based on respect for our values and our linguistic heritage. However, delays in the federal government's processing of files should be shorter.
I am certain that, together, we can build a strong, inclusive and prosperous francophone Canada that shines on the international stage.
Thank you very much.