I've met with FCFA representatives on two occasions, one of them being in person. What I told them was that I agree that the francophone immigration target needs to be increased, no matter the number. They recommended 10%, if I'm not mistaken. The target has to be achievable. I don't want to do what politicians do and set targets, only to disappoint everyone when they aren't met.
I want to put mechanisms in place within the department to make sure we are able to keep raising the target. I think going from 4.4% to 6% is tough but doable. I'm not convinced we'll be able to hit that level right now, but I am confident that the public servants next to me will put in place the mechanisms needed to address the challenge. After that, it will be easier to increase the target to 7% or 8%.
I say this before the committee: it will be tough. We will have to make a concerted effort to revisit how we attract people who speak French to Canada, whether they are from west Africa or other parts of the world.