If you don't admit that French is declining, it's tough to take the necessary actions to stop that decline.
I would say that francophone immigration is critical outside Quebec, but also in Quebec. Earlier, you seemed to say that you were ready to work together. I'm happy to hear it, because people at various IRCC offices in the world apparently didn't want to work with Quebec.
If your focus is on increasing francophone immigration outside Quebec by using IRCC offices all over the world, there's a risk of robbing Peter to pay Paul—unless there is genuine co-operation. Quebec draws from the same pools of prospective newcomers, after all. If you did work together, the federal government could help Quebec achieve its francophone immigration targets. Obviously, Quebec has some authority over immigration, but it does draw from the same pools.
Otherwise, temporary immigration is available, as are all the other immigration categories that fall solely under federal jurisdiction. Are you ready to try to increase francophone immigration in those categories in Quebec?