In terms of the economic development of OLMCs, ISED plays a couple of different roles.
We play the direct-funding role that Etienne has just described, as well as the research and data role, and the convening role that I described in my remarks earlier. What we're able to do through the convening, through the various events we hold with OLMCs and through the research we conduct in partnership with them is better determine, first of all, how OLMCs are actually comprised and, second of all, what it is they are in need of at this particular point in time.
These things have shifted. For example, during the COVID-19 sessions I described earlier, what we discovered were very specific things with regard to these entrepreneurs' needs regarding labour mobility, labour sources and issues with the tourism industry. There are long-standing issues and there are these evolutionary issues that we see over time.
Our activity is to work with them to determine what their needs are.