One of the recommendations we could perhaps make concerns newcomers.
Currently there is a whole network for newcomers that works with the country's francophone immigration networks. These networks do very good work. Their members take care of the newcomers' basic needs, which are established according to Maslow's pyramid. These include, for example, the need to find work or housing.
We also need to think about community vitality. New arrivals feel a need to belong. It's to meet this need that RESDAC has developed skills that enable them not only to succeed, but also to flourish, whether in terms of language, as Ms. Audet pointed out a few seconds ago, or in terms of identity affirmation and civic engagement.
RESDAC, in collaboration with the Table nationale sur l'éducation, has defined four skills to be able to better meet the need for belonging, development and vitality enrichment. If we only work on the economy—