Those are good questions.
Let me tell you how things worked before.
At some point, I don't remember exactly when, after a meeting of the Congrès mondial acadien, what we call a “team of leaders” formed a committee made up of representatives from Maine, New Brunswick and Quebec. The committee's mandate was to take steps to improve or maintain dialogue between the provinces, territories and countries. Unfortunately, that committee is in decline as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and other factors. I think it should be revived and action should be taken, even if it requires some funding. It existed before, and it was a winning formula. As a result of the pandemic and the lack of funding and support, it is now in decline. It led to some very positive initiatives, including a buyer day, for instance. On that day, businesses had the opportunity to meet with subcontractors or small businesses to develop new contacts or new collaborative initiatives in the Acadie des Terres et Forêts region. It was a great initiative, but now it is in decline, unfortunately.
Would it be possible to revive it? I think so, but we would need some support.