I think that you have already heard that the largest universities are more apt to get research funding since English is the dominant language in this field. On one hand, that makes it harder for our researchers to request funding and, on the other hand, in many cases, they get the impression that they are more likely to be heard if they write or apply in English. That is one challenge.
We are a very small minority, both among post-secondary institutions and in the general public, especially here in Nova Scotia. We have a student population of 500 individuals, while there are nine anglophone universities and a large anglophone community college. We are still far from substantive equality. We offer far fewer programs.
The provincial government generally underfunds all the universities, but it is much more obvious here at home because we cannot manage to achieve the economies of scale and offer all the services and programs that we want to offer. It is a bit like the chicken and the egg. We cannot attract the students if we do not offer as many programs as the anglophone universities.