May I remind you that I was the ardent Ontario defender of the Charter of the French Language in Quebec.
Mr. Beaulieu, I welcome your comments. I'm very respectful of Quebec, I have family there. I respect the French fact. I also respect the fact that we live in a French-speaking minority throughout Canada and North America. On the other hand, I'm not prepared to listen to rhetoric that doesn't lead anywhere. That's my problem. The fact that we have English-speaking universities in Montreal and that, because we have English-speaking universities, we say that all anglicization comes from a university, that's a false debate.
We have to look at the reality of things, we have to have a debate that is true, and the real debate is that our young people are now using virtual platforms, to which neither Quebec's Bill 96 nor Canada's Bill C‑13 apply.
Mr. Lacroix, as an academic, and Mr. Bourdon, as a representative of a post-secondary institution, what are you doing to promote French learning on these virtual platforms? That's my question.