I want to respond to that.
We have issues about transferring from one setting of care. In this country, it's terrible. It's terrible getting from acute care into long-term care or home care or getting out of hospital and into home care.
We don't want that to happen at this stage, so what we need to do is make sure that the onus to refer is on that person, the physician or whomever, and make sure that they follow through, and follow through in a timely manner.
I've talked to the woman who runs the hospice program in Oregon. They're 16 years in, so they've worked out a lot of their issues. Even though the medication is administered by the patient and the family, there is a physician there, and there is a pharmacist who has to prescribe and whatnot. What they do there is that the hospice program says their goodbyes to the patient and the family, and then a group like Dying With Dignity that's a state-run organization comes in and actually does the thing.
I'm listening to what Derryck is talking about. I think we need to make sure that we have some safeguards or some organization that we can quickly go to and count on to be able to help us with the referrals.