In the case where someone is requesting PAD because of schizophrenia, this is where the irremediable nature of the illness is not clear. We can't define it clearly. In the example I gave, some individuals are not acutely psychotic, but they believe there is no hope that they will recover from the illness they are suffering from. This belief about themselves, their view of themselves, is not psychotic according to medical terminology, but it is driven by social factors that have contributed to it, maybe because they've been abused since they were kids. Maybe they were bullied and then they lost their jobs because the person who was hiring them couldn't understand how to deal with someone with a mental illness. Over time, a person with mental illness builds up all of these beliefs of worthlessness or helplessness or hopelessness, but these beliefs are malleable. That's the recovery-based approach I referred to that could be used as an intervention.