In Quebec we asked ourselves that question, because this practice was exclusive to doctors. We wondered whether other health care professionals could do it. The conditions for obtaining physician-assisted death absolutely imply the participation of a doctor, for instance for the diagnosis of a grave and incurable disease. We have to ensure that the suffering is intolerable and cannot be relieved by means that are tolerable to the person. This necessarily implies a medical assessment. Physicians are the ones who know the criteria.
This would already considerably limit asking other health professionals to make the decision. As for the act, we wanted to avoid a situation where the physician would simply write a prescription and then leave things to others. And so we decided that the physician would be personally engaged and would himself or herself administer the medical assistance, and would be with the patient in order to manage complications should any arise. Indeed certain complications can quite clearly go beyond the competence of a nurse or a pharmacist to intervene. Physicians are the ones who have the required knowledge to cope with those situations.
As for the purely medical management of the action, conditions relating to whether that solution is indicated or not, obtaining informed consent and assessing the patient's ability to consent, these are in Quebec necessary conditions to obtain physician-assisted dying. In addition, Quebec's criterion is based on the concept of end-of-life care, which is not the case for the Supreme Court.
All of these concepts require a medical assessment. The physician is the one who has been trained the best to shoulder these responsibilities. Nurse practitioners or pharmacists do not necessarily have the necessary level of knowledge to do so. Given the gravity of the decision, we preferred to limit those responsibilities to physicians. That is the legislator's choice, but I think it can easily be substantiated.
From that perspective, the provincial act provides a good framework for these issues. In Quebec it was decided that a second doctor would validate the first one's decision. We also included a monitoring by medical authorities such as the Quebec College of Physicians and the Council of Physicians, Dentists and Pharmacists, as well as external oversight exercised by a specialized organization.
Clearly this is first and foremost a medical act, to be monitored by medical organizations and to be executed in keeping with a medical protocol. These safeguards aim to ensure that the treatment will be executed properly.
I'd like to make a clarification. Earlier, when I spoke of minimal content...