I think our recommendations were quite clear that it's really around definition and the scope, particularly as related to health professional roles. That will be an issue that cuts across all provinces.
In terms of more prescription than that, I think there will likely be some push-back from the provinces. The provinces do have jurisdiction over health. They actually have active legislation in place. I think it would make a bit of a legal quagmire for them, because each province is going to need to look at its own jurisdiction and figure out, given its current acts of legislation and current legal framework, what is the best way to introduce physician-assisted death in the province's particular setting.
Earlier somebody mentioned the idea of equivalency and said that this was something that was surfacing for us to ensure that Canadians have effective access wherever they happen to be. Ensuring that there is a legal framework to do that may mean that some provinces might have a single act of legislation that captures the whole, while others might actually have omnibus legislation that makes revisions to what they have. But the effective result would be that all Canadians in all provinces and territories would have access.