Thank you.
There's something else I wanted to move into. I'll invite comment both from you, Professor Downie, and from Mr. Baker. It's about the idea in the proposal from Mr. Baker about the review panel. It's one of many elements in the proposed piece we saw.
As I looked at it, I read that there is a composition recommendation suggested, from medical and non-medical up to health care administrators and others. If we start having a judicial review panel, does that start us down the path to inaccessibility, where timeliness may become a factor?
I also wondered about general qualifications. We've heard that physicians already make these complex decisions. I'm wondering whether value is added by bringing in non-medical personnel, a body of 10 people, to try to deal with things that could be the last six months of life or other situations. What's the added value of having that kind of body, as opposed to having other models we've heard of with two physicians, a brief or to-be-determined waiting period, and then a decision made and rendered?
Could I have your comments on the review panel?