Before I begin, one of the things I should mention is that for some sections in which we have identified some vagueness or ambiguity--I think Mr. Walsh would agree--certainly we would be able to assist, if necessary, with any review by the legislative drafters, or with advice that they be given in that regard. The ambiguities that may be identified aren't meant to take up a lot of time, so I may just mention them and move on to more substantive issues.
The other overall issue is that we've looked at these comments and the sections and the amendments with regard to, as we had discussed earlier, the power of the House of Commons, and the power and the right to discipline members, and the role of the commissioner in advising the House, and how that functions. We've had the benefit of a few years now of seeing how it's worked and seeing how the code is interpreted. So it is with that benefit of experience that we've tried to examine how the code may be interpreted in a way that may go beyond what was intended. It's with that view that I'm going to make these comments.
The first section I'll address is subsection 3(2). This is the subsection that identifies what is furthering a private interest of the member. We would suggest that it be made subject to subsection 3(3), just to be a bit more clear, so that furthering of private interests is subject to the exceptions of subsection 3(3).