Let me add to that, Mr. Chairman. It is a requirement of the Financial Administration Act that all ex gratia payments be recorded in the Public Accounts of Canada. Ex gratia payments are payments where we'll settle payment in lieu of a lawsuit and that type of thing: to somebody who breaks a leg and is going to sue, we give some money, and they don't sue. It's an ex gratia payment. We don't admit liability; it's just a payment. The Financial Administration Act requires that each one be individually recorded.
However, these are payments that the Parliament of Canada has authorized to our merchant navy; there's no liability per se, but we have recognized that we have an obligation to help the merchant navy veterans. We're not going to list them all individually; I don't think it's appropriate, because of the Privacy Act, that we list the names. But we do want to know how much collectively, and we do not want them to think they have a carte blanche to do this forever; hence one year.