No, you just say this is the amount expected to be recovered; you don't say that you have recovered it. Does Mr. Guité have this kind of money?
Okay, I'd like to move on, Mr. Chairman, to some random thoughts here.
On volume I, page 2.32, this is the Auditor General with her observations. But before we go there, there was another one I wanted to raise--back to volume III, page 2.14. Again, we had an interview with the CRA, Mr. Chairman. I just want to point out that on page 2.15 of volume III, under “Cases before the Court (CRA's estimate of the amount of tax evaded or fraudulently obtained)”: income tax, almost $82 million; goods and services tax and harmonized sales tax, $102 million. Combined there is $200 million in taxes, Mr. Chair. That is CRA's estimate of the amount that's been evaded or fraudulently obtained.
Do you have any comment on that, Mr. St-Jean?