And then you'll monitor the situation.
For sure—and it's not hard, really—you can find out where the government's weakness was. The government of the day was so weak; even before they transferred the money, some of us asked the minister not to go ahead with the deal, but he did anyway. Then the money just evaporated, and then there is no accountability.
For sure, any time the federal government writes a cheque to a person or a not-for-profit society, or anything else, there should be guaranteed accountability. This contract guaranteed that there was none; it just erased the accountability trail. It was a defect in the way the government operated. But if you can go further and find out where the money went, we'd all be very grateful. If you can get some of the money back, that would be even better.
That's the extent of my questioning. I appreciate your monitoring of this problem over the last six years. I look forward to further monitoring.
Thank you.