I don't have that today. Okay.
First let me again congratulate the Auditor General for the fine work that she does on behalf of all Canadians. We very much appreciate the work and the high credibility with which you and your office are held. While I can no longer speak on behalf of all the committee, I know that you have my assurance that my constituents really appreciate the work you do, and we look forward to that relationship with Parliament continuing. You are an officer of Parliament and you report to Parliament, and you are our eyes and ears as we keep the government focused, efficient, and productive. It's great that you're there.
I have one or two questions.
I noticed that in paragraph 12, where you report, you state: “The report on plans and priorities for 2006-07”--which is part of the government's estimates process--“will be tabled in the fall”.
Mr. Chairman, why are we having this meeting today when we don't have the documents in front of us? My question is actually to you more than to the Auditor General. Perhaps you should have the steering committee contemplate having a real hearing on the estimates when we actually have the documents before us in the fall, so that we can actually put the Auditor General on the hot seat.
Will you take that under advisement?