In the course of preparing our audit reports, we do have many discussions and exchanges of draft documents and reports with the departments or agencies we're auditing. It is absolutely critical to our process to do that, because we have to ensure that the facts, as we are stating them, are correct. We also have to give an opportunity to departments to respond. When we have a recommendation in our report, there is a response from the government as to whether they agree or not with the action, and that is a really important part of doing the audit. So we need to be able to share those documents with departments, and we need to have that exchange.
I would say that generally there is never a problem with government officials, because they recognize the process and the confidentiality that has to remain around it.
We also have our suspicions about where this came from. I would be very hesitant to talk about it here, because again I have no proof of who may have spoken to the journalist, and obviously the journalist isn't going to disclose the source. But we will be speaking to people about this.