Thank you very much.
It's a pleasure to have you here today. I am a substitute, so this is a treat for me. I didn't expect to have you here.
I want to raise one particular case with you that you and I have had a little bit of correspondence on. It's the Digby wharf in Digby, Nova Scotia, close to where I live.
In 1999, the Department of Transport was going through a divestiture process. They turned over a wharf in Digby, which is used by 40 fishermen, to a not-for-profit organization set up by a former Department of Fisheries and Oceans employee. The minister wrote him a cheque for $3,064,272.26. They just sent him the cheque--no accountability.
On the day he got the cheque, he signed it over to a private engineering firm. On the same day, or thereabouts, the private engineering firm hired all the directors of the not-for-profit society, including the president, his wife, and his three friends. The money is now all gone, the wharf is falling down and is in really sad shape--half the wharf is closed.
I wrote to you on July 27, 2001, and you wrote me back right away on August 1 and said the internal audit did show issues of concern, but it was part of a legal process. I wrote again on February 21, 2002, and you wrote back on March 5, 2002, and again said there were concerns there, but it was part of the legal process, and you must respect the legal process.
Well, the legal process has just been completed, so now I'd like you to unleash the auditors. I'd like you to audit this transaction, follow the money, and see if you can find out where the money went, because nobody knows where the money went.
The minister wrote me a letter and said the money was to go to capital expenditures on the wharf and maintenance. It didn't. The wharf is literally closed. Half of it is closed now because it has fallen in and is unsafe. There's been a health and safety report on it that has condemned part of it.
This contract that the Department of Transport had with this not-for-profit society absolutely guaranteed no accountability. Once the money left the not-for-profit society, it went to the private sector. There are allegations that they used it to do a feasibility study on a tour boat in another harbour on the other side of the province, and all kinds of things.
It's a very intriguing story, but anyway, it's time somebody got to the bottom of the Digby wharf. I hope you will unleash the auditors.
In both of your replies to me, you said you'd continue to monitor the file as soon as the legal process was over. I would just like to make the request now that you take this on, to see if you can find out where the money went, and see if there's any way to get the money back for the people of Digby who need the wharf. Also, analyze the transaction to make sure that never ever happens again. Deal or no deal?