Sure. I'm trying to make that 20-minute limit.
The research study that was published contains six different sections, including the Guide, the thickest of the documents. My presentation today will focus on the findings reported on pages 19 through 33 of the guide. Basically, these pages contain our findings and suggestions for strengthening PAC powers and practices.
I will now present some of the study's key findings. However, I want to do so in the context of a draft strategy that CCAF wishes to unveil for discussion purposes. I want to use this opportunity to initiate a dialogue with members of this PAC concerning ways in which CCAF can be useful in helping to strengthen the capacity of this committee.
So without further ado, let me introduce to you briefly, on slide five, the draft strategy that we introduced at the Canadian Council of Public Accounts Committees meeting in September.
There are five phases to the strategy. It's a strategy on how to maximize the effectiveness of public accounts committees. I want to emphasize that it's just a strategy. It's a set of ideas to engage the committee in discussion. It's not the solution, it's not the model, and we're not expecting that all public accounts committees will follow it, but there are some good ideas in here and that's what we're hoping to launch a discussion on.
If we start at the very top of the strategy, on laying the foundation, I'll talk about this in more detail in a few minutes, but this is really the preconditions that need to be in place for a public accounts committee to be effective. One example is the opposition chair issue, but I'll get into more detail later.
We suggest that at the point where the preconditions are in place for an effective public accounts committee, the committee can start setting an objective for their meetings and planning. We suggest that committees operate best when they're non-partisan. I know one must take account of political environment when one says that; nonetheless, the conclusion from our study is that committees tend to operate at their best and in a most effective manner when they are non-partisan.
So that's number two, setting a non-partisan objective and planning for the meeting, and I'll get into some findings from our survey on that.
The third area is holding an effective hearing. Here you'll see the term “MPs”, and I apologize for that. What we really should have said was “legislators”, because this is not intended to suggest that this is in particular for members of this committee but legislators in general, asking pertinent questions, and witnesses participating as partners in the process.
The fourth phase is adding value, and this is really the reporting role of the public accounts committee, issuing their recommendations and following up to ensure that the government has actually implemented those recommendations.
And finally, the fifth area--and this is an area that got a lot of attention in Quebec City when we did this presentation there--is the issue of how committees can communicate the value of their work to the public and to the media. The question I'll put forth later is, is this something that in general you would find useful?
Let me start by talking about the preconditions for an effective public accounts committee. We propose that before embarking on a path to strengthen the effectiveness of public accounts committees, there are certain underlying conditions that must be in place for a public accounts committee to be successful. Within the scope of its powers, a PAC must be able to call meetings, meet outside the legislature's session, and initiate inquiries.
All committees, according to our research, can meet while the House is recessed, and about two-thirds can meet while the House is prorogued; three-quarters have the powers to initiate inquiries not specifically referred to them by the House or outlined in documents referred to in committee.
Finally, committees must have an opposition member chairing the committee. That's the case in all legislatures in Canada and at the federal level, and that's a Commonwealth standard practice.
PACs also need to have regular and frequent meetings and sufficient time allocated to a hearing in order to be effective. Ten jurisdictions responded that meetings were held on a regular and frequent basis, one jurisdiction answered to the negative, and three did not reply.
In terms of the capacity of a public accounts committee to exercise its powers, we looked at whether committees had adequate resources such as financing, and research and technical support. On adequate financing, eleven jurisdictions said, “Yes, we do”; and three declined to respond. I think that was a polite decline on their part.
On adequate resources--and these are the kinds of things that will flag the interest of the committee--I know this is not the case here, but we asked whether committees had in-house research staff provided. In six out of the fourteen Canadian jurisdictions, 40% do not have any in-house research staff serving the public accounts committee. Given the reliance of legislative auditors on public accounts committees, we look forward to talking to some of these jurisdictions and getting a sense of how they're coping with the workload without any research support.
Another basic precondition for the PAC to exercise its powers is that reports of the legislative auditor are permanently referred to the public accounts committee. This is the case in twelve of the thirteen jurisdictions that responded in the affirmative to this question.
In terms of strong committee leadership, there was a question on the working relationship between the public accounts committee and the legislative auditor. All the jurisdictions that responded said their relationship was strong and, because of the reliance of the public accounts committee on the legislative auditor, obviously this was an important precondition for the success of the committee.
These are the minimum conditions. Once most or all of these preconditions are in place, then PAC can set its sights on maximizing the effectiveness of its work. The rest of the presentation focuses on how PAC can do so.
The PAC's role is to set an objective, namely to strengthen the public administration in a non-partisan manner.
For discussion purposes, we submit that members of a PAC must be motivated by a clear common mission. Historically, that mission has been to strengthen public administration. I submit that a PAC functions more effectively when it works in a non-partisan manner.
In terms of the framework of powers and practices, planning is an important part of an effective PAC meeting. Agendas and advance briefing notes, clear objectives and work plans for hearings, having subcommittees or steering committees examine specific issues and advance briefings with the legislative auditor are all planning activities that can increase the focus and output of PACs.
At least 10 of the jurisdictions stated that agendas and advance briefing notes were prepared and that objectives and the work plan for hearings were clear. However, -- and I think you'll find this interesting -- only about half of the 14 jurisdictions had steering committees designed to plan future work.
Only about half of the committees have a planning subcommittee that actually performs the planning function.
To suggest the link between planning and non-partisanship.... One suggestion I've heard raised is for PAC members to “huddle” prior to a PAC meeting and discuss the strategy for pursuing different lines of questioning among parties. I'd be interested in the committee's views on whether this would increase the coherence of lines of questioning during a committee hearing.
Turning to membership of the committee, issues surrounding membership can influence the degree to which a PAC functions in a non-partisan manner. This includes whether ministers are allowed to sit as members of the committee, whether there is continuity on the committee and whether members are considered to be non-partisan in their activities.
In our survey, we asked whether members of the PACs were appointed by the legislative assembly at the beginning of the first session to serve for the life of the Parliament. We were told that this is common practice in 9 out of the 14 jurisdictions.Thus, in five jurisdictions, committee members are not appointed for the full term of the legislature.
Where members are appointed only for the duration of the new session -- following which a new committee is struck -- we received comments that this arrangement makes it more difficult to coordinate the work of the committee with the output of the Auditor General's office. One legislature replied that while the committee is appointed for the duration of the legislature, substitutions occur so frequently that the committee's continuity is undermined.
In terms of ministers sitting on the committee, the general consensus seems to be that this practice renders a PAC hearing highly ineffective. While some jurisdictions do not preclude ministers from sitting on PACs, it appears that by convention, ministers sit on a PAC only when the size of the government caucus so dictates.
The committee chair plays a crucial role in setting an impartial objective. Given the unique role and objectives of oversight committees in Parliament, I wish to draw to your attention the fact that only in eight of the fourteen jurisdictions are chairs appointed for the life of the Parliament, barring any unforeseen circumstances. This leads me to conclude that turnovers at the chair position during the life of a Parliament must make planning difficult.
I'll go now to slide 13. That was just talking about phase two, which was the planning and non-partisanship. If we look at phase three of our draft strategy, it's on holding an effective hearing. One of the conclusions was, again, going back to strong committee leadership, the important role of the chair in managing the process--and we took this right out of a quote of one of the people who were interviewed for the study--“out of the dynamics of shifting politics”. In other words, as public accounts committees sitting in legislatures tend to sometimes weave in and out of political issues, the role of the chair, our survey finds, is to make sure the committee stays on track and focuses on a non-partisan objective.
Similarly, the role of the chair is very important in articulating that objective. If there was a planning meeting and good planning was done in terms of preparing an issue that is non-partisan, the role of the chair in reminding the committee of that and intervening where necessary was also deemed very important.
Finally, the third issue in terms of committee leadership was making witnesses feel more comfortable answering questions, and that's an issue I'll be very happy to get into as we get to it.
In terms of the powers and practices of the committee within the context of holding an effective hearing, one of the key privileges that an effective PAC must have, of course, is to be able to call any witness necessary. All public accounts committees in Canada responded that they have this power. It goes without saying that factual and non-partisan information is key to holding the government to account. We found that out of the 14 legislatures, 12 had the power to send for papers and records, but only eight had the power to access cabinet documents.
We did ask in the survey whether PACs have adopted practices that permit productive lines of questioning to be taken to their logical conclusion. In this committee, I would assume that implies that either a member would have his or her eight minutes extended or would borrow time from someone else. I do understand that this practice was tried recently in the committee, and I wonder if using this practice on a more regular basis, here and in other jurisdictions, might be useful for the committees. In our survey, 11 of the committees replied, yes, they do allow such a practice. However, our survey does not really allow me to conclude how often that practice is used. That would be something that I think we'd be very interested in looking into.
I have one more comment on the effective hearing issue. Looking at the June 22 transcript of this committee, where two academics engaged in a discussion with the committee about how to maximize its effectiveness, I noticed several references to witnesses “muddying the waters”, so to speak--and I think that's a direct quote out of the transcript. So clearly the relationship between government witnesses and public accounts committees is an issue of concern.
The question we put to PAC members at the CCPAC-CCOLA meeting was whether they feel that a non-partisan objective, coupled with planning and preparation of committee members, might lead to witnesses feeling more comfortable answering questions--put another way, whether a committee that was looking for solutions could engage bureaucrats in helping to find solutions in a non-partisan way, and whether a committee travelling along that path could make bureaucrats feel like part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
I note here the Auditor General's annual report in 2000, where the Auditor General states: Accountability requires that people accept responsibility for their mistakes--that goes without saying. Excessive emphasis on laying blame, however, can be counterproductive. If we wish to empower employees and encourage them to innovate, then we must be prepared to accept the risk that, at times, mistakes and wrong decisions will be made. When that happens, we should focus on learning from the experience rather than assigning blame.
I'd be very interested in the committee's views on the idea of a confidential exit survey for witnesses. Such a survey could help the committee ascertain whether more needs to be done on the part of the committee to make witnesses feel comfortable with the hearings process, and whether that would lead to more effective answers and less confrontation and frustration on the part of members of committees. I note that the Senate has an exit survey for witnesses--and I do have a copy here--though I note that it focuses more on how witnesses were served by staff of the committee, rather than their interaction with the members.
The next phase involves issuing value-added recommendations and doing a follow up.
The PAC should have the power to prepare substantive reports for the legislature. Twelve committees report that they have the power to do that, while two acknowledge that they do not. Needless to say, the power to make recommendations and the power to require the government to follow them ensure committee effectiveness.
Follow-up meetings with witnesses and a report card on how the government is doing on implementing recommendations add value to the whole process. Only seven committees have responded that they have an effective follow-up process. Only six rely on the services of the audit office to follow-up on the committees' recommendations and the same number receive updates from the legislative auditor on the implementation status of the recommendations. Thus, this is an area in which much more can be done.
Last but not least is the fifth pillar of our strategy, and one that I hope will interest members. First, just for some background as far as the public and media are concerned, while nine committees issue press releases following public accounts committee hearings, only six have televised hearings or webcasts.
I would argue that in general there needs to be more thinking in Canada as a whole about how to engage the general public in a more comprehensive manner. One suggestion I want to put forth—and I want to say that I would make this suggestion directly to this committee, if there were interest—is that a non-partisan communications service develop a text for committee members' householders that breaks down the often highly technical work the PAC does into language that constituents can understand.
In our meetings across the country we're asking PAC members whether the incentive to strengthen planning and to engage in non-partisan lines of questioning would increase if it were easier for PAC members to share the accomplishments of their committee with their constituents. After all, an effective committee should be able to explain to constituents how they are increasing accountability in Ottawa and playing a strong role in guarding the public purse.
That concludes my written remarks, but of course I'll be delighted to answer questions.
Thank you.