Thank you, Mr. Chair.
We are very pleased to be here today and would like to thank you for this opportunity to discuss our March 2004 report entitled “Managing Government: A Study of the Role of the Treasury Board and its Secretariat”.
Accompanying me today are Rick Smith, the Assistant Auditor General who was responsible for this study, and Doug Timmins, the Assistant Auditor General who leads our audit work at the Treasury Board Secretariat.
We conducted this study to provide Parliament with information on the key challenges the Treasury Board and its secretariat face in developing, refining, and implementing the federal government's management agenda. This study was a first step in the development of a longer-term audit plan for the office, covering key elements of the federal government's management agenda and the Treasury Board's role in them.
Please note that the study was completed early in 2004 and has not been updated to reflect subsequent events. For example, the following changes were made: the Treasury Board Secretariat established a separate Comptroller General's office to help ensure that departments comply with the Board's expenditure and stewardship policies, and to provide functional direction to department comptrollers. A new agency for public service human resources management will work to improve human resources management in the public service and to implement the government's modernization initiative; in addition, the Federal Accountability Act and action plan were introduced.
However, I believe that the study is still useful, particularly in terms of providing an overview of the major issues that the committee is currently addressing, particularly in the area of money management.
As committee members know, the Treasury Board is a Cabinet committee responsible for overall management of the federal government's finances, human resources and administrative activities. The Treasury Board is supported by its administrative arm, the Treasury Board Secretariat.
The Treasury Board establishes policies and standards for management practices in a wide range of areas and oversees their implementation across the federal government. Its original role was to assist ministers in the overall financial control of the federal government, and this remains one of its key roles today.
The Treasury Board is responsible for preparing the government's expenditure budget, also known as the estimates, and for monitoring program spending in departments. The secretariat supports the Treasury Board's role by establishing policies and standards to improve financial management practices in departments and agencies, by managing the government-wide implementation of them, by allocating and reallocating resources, by monitoring an analysis of the management of resources on a program, departmental, and sectoral basis, by ensuring that resource management is integrated with the government's decision-making and priority-setting processes, and, finally, by reporting on government expenditures.
These are not simple tasks. As the study notes, the federal government is the largest single enterprise in the country. The board's and the secretariat's responsibilities affect the activities of more than 20 federal departments and some 100 other organizations, including agencies, crown corporations, and tribunals. These organizations differ in terms of mandate, organizational structure, and relationship to the minister. This adds to the complexity of managing the government as a whole.
Based on the large body of work done by the office on management in government, we identified a number of significant challenges facing the board and the secretariat as they do their jobs. Most of these challenges are related to the following four identified roles, and some are more critical for one or more of the roles: being a general manager; managing money; managing people; managing information.
The first challenge is what we have characterized as setting the tone from the top. Traditionally, senior people paid more attention to policy than to management issues, delegating the latter to specialists, but clear, visible, and active support among ministers, senior officials, and parliamentarians is critical for translating a management agenda into concrete results.
The second involves the Treasury Board's mandate and capacity. The Treasury Board has a broad range of responsibilities, and its secretariat needs knowledgeable and experienced staff for the effective review and challenge of department submissions; it also needs enough staff to manage the overall agenda.
The issue of departmental capacity is third. Departments need the resources and tools to meet their management responsibilities. We have commented in several reports that resource issues can limit a department's ability to respond fully to certain aspects of the government's management agenda; these issues are particularly important in the area of financial management.
Building and maintaining effective working relationships with departments is the fourth challenge. Departments and agencies need to know where the government is going and how all the pieces fit together.
The fifth challenge is maintaining momentum. The broad picture that emerges from our historical analysis of the management agenda is one of an implementation gap, a failure to fully translate good ideas into the desired improvements in management. As a result, there is a degree of cynicism among some public servants about the agenda's chances for success.
Strong leadership is needed to maintain momentum. For each reform initiative, the government needs to pay attention to the full management cycle—strategic direction, planning, implementation, monitoring and improving—over an extended period for the management program is to realize its full potential.
The final challenge identified is making the best possible use of the tool kit. The Treasury Board relies on a wide range of policies to set out management expectations. We cited a study by the Secretariat that identified 340 policy instruments in effect. They ranged from instructions on completing financial reports to regulations related to various acts of Parliament. The challenge is to determine what works best under what circumstances.
Mr. Chairman, I do know that when we released our Report, the Secretariat had a number of initiatives underway in each of these areas. And the management agenda has continued to evolve with the introduction of the Federal Accountability Act and Action Plan. The committee may be interested in taking stock of the progress made in dealing with the challenges that we identified.
Finally Mr. Chairman, my next audit report will include audits of the expenditure management system, both in central government agencies and in a number of departments. I am convinced that our findings will be of interest to the committee and I look forward to discussing them with you.
Mr. Chairman, that concludes my opening statement. My colleagues and I would be pleased to answer any questions from committee members.