I would say there are two kinds of issues when you talk about consequences. If we talk about personal consequences, under the Financial Administration Act we do have all the tools available, from writing a letter of reprimand to firing people.
I guess I take exception, Mr. Chair, to the suggestion that we've never put in place any sanctions. As a deputy minister, I know that I have fired public servants in cases where there was a misappropriation of funds.
So we have used all the tools at our disposal. In my opening statement, I did indicate what we need to do, and are doing; we've created this deputy ministers committee on discipline. One of the issues, I think, is the lack of understanding of exactly what we do and don't do. I also think there's a lack of consistency in terms of how it's done across the public service. Where one deputy may decide not to fire a certain individual, another deputy may decide, yes, it warrants firing, or it warrants other discipline.
We want to have punishment that's consistent with the crime, I guess, and we think it needs to be more consistent across the public service. But we have taken steps and we have taken action, particularly in the area of the misappropriation of funds. I personally did that when I was a deputy head.