Well, when I first saw the Federal Accountability Act I ventured an opinion--it may have been to this committee or to another--that probably a more experienced government wouldn't have put all those things in it, because some of them are more useful than others. It's a judgment call.
There's a proposal to create a director of public prosecutions. Well, practically, all prosecutions are handled by the provinces, so there's a question mark of how busy that official is going to be.
The Auditor General said Public Works actually has a quite sophisticated system of procurement. Do you want a procurement auditor? It's a call. An elected government has a perfect right to say, “Yes, we want a procurement auditor.” My own opinion, and it's only an opinion, is there are probably more oversight measures, more controls in the Federal Accountability Act than are strictly necessary, but the parliamentary process is to work those out. I believe the House and Senate are still in dialogue, so we'll see what the final version of the bill is.