On this one, I think it would be tremendous, and a show of support for the rank and file of the RCMP, if we were able to go about this in a fulsome way.
In trying to work with your concerns, Mr. Williams, of individuals being named, if you look at bullet point number two, the second last line, bullet point two could state, “the documentation which justified the termination of said investigations”. So we're dealing not with the nuts and bolts and individuals named but with the reasoning provided. The documentation provides the reasoning for shutting down the first investigation.
On bullet point three, it's the same idea. In the second last line, “the reasons for shutting down the Ottawa Police Service investigation, why further actions were not taken”: once again, that avoids the difficulty you seem to be worried about.
I believe the last one doesn't necessarily speak to any individual's criminality as such, so I think the last point could probably stand.
In that way we still get a more fulsome idea of the processes that took place and perhaps why investigations were shut down, while avoiding the difficulty of having reports before us that name people who may in fact be innocent.