Yes. You get into the concept of portfolio management. The Public Health Agency's origins, I guess, were around the SARS crisis and the report that was done that reflected that there ought to be a stand-alone agency to deal not only with infectious disease matters but with other public health matters, and that there should be a chief public health officer for Canada in charge of that agency.
The evolution is that this was a branch within Health Canada before that. It was the population and public health branch. So the chief public health officer, the head of that branch, is a deputy head, with all the authorities--financial, administrative, and so on--that I would have, and he reports directly to the Minister of Health.
Within the portfolio, there are a number of organizations, including the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Public Health Agency, us, the Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission, and the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board. That's the portfolio. We try to do some portfolio coordination, such as coordination of policy and, where possible, some coordination of financial requests, because we tend to be looked at as a portfolio and as an envelope.
So there's a need for that. Health Canada will play a kind of leadership role, if you wish, within the portfolio, as first among equals or something like that. That might even be too strong a phrase. It's very collaborative. We don't want to be working at cross-purposes for the same minister, so there is coordination that takes place in that regard.