What I'm pointing out here is that the one issue deals with treaties. I'm pointing out that Caledonia may not be directly related, but it's still on the same issue of treaties not being resolved in a timely fashion.
We know there are serious drug issues on reserves, on first nations lands. For this not to be a priority, having already been identified, is what's maddening. It's fine that there are some nice administrative processes that are working better than they used to, but the lives of first nations people are not being improved.
This segues me over to mould, which sounds like a rather interesting subject. You state on page 163, just to set this up, that mould is a fungus that under certain conditions produces poisonous substances that can cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Again, we have visited this before as a country, and from what I can determine, there were some meetings held, which was the first step, but nobody at any of those meetings took responsibility to actually make sure something happened. Therefore, at the end of the day, we may have had some meetings happen, but if I'm reading this correctly, your impression is that nothing else is taking place. It still isn't happening. So as we sit here, paperwork movement is being made more efficient, but poison that's inside the homes of Canadians is not being addressed.