Let's now move on to the first nations. You audited the funds that the department spends on programs for aboriginal people. We are talking about $8 billion. You said that it was difficult to see how the money had been allocated.
In my riding, there are aboriginal people living off-reserve. There are serious conflicts among certain groups that I will not name. Based on what you are telling me, the way the money is distributed to the aboriginal groups living off-reserve is set out in a treaty or an agreement, but once the money is handed over to the group leaders, the situation becomes less clear.
Is it out of fear, because we do not want to interfere or out of political correctness that no one looks into what happens to the money for off-reserve housing? People are complaining. The situations on reserve also exist off-reserve. These situations are deplorable.
Does the department face any constraints when it comes time to do the audit?