I'm going to get into that in a moment. However, I would still say that at the end of the day, it would look like that was the wrong call, given that criminal investigations, at least at another point, were started up again. Maybe they should have continued, because the timing here was a real problem. We ran out of time because there was no internal audit started at the same time as the criminal one, as I understand it. That decision was very problematic. For those who are alleging that there was something untoward behind these things, this is just another example of how even if everything is 100% okay, sometimes it doesn't look good in hindsight.
This question is for either one of you or anyone who can answer it. At the end of the day, the RCMP have said there was administrative wrongdoing, not criminal wrongdoing, and yet they called them criminal investigations from the start. These things Mr. Williams has raised here--allegations of kickbacks, even though they found nothing substantive on that one, hiring practices, management overrides--are all just administrative? Somebody hired their whole family at twice the rate that everybody else was paid and that's administrative? Somebody help me.