Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Ms. Fraser, at the last meeting, on Monday, I asked you a question about the documents to which you did not get access. You moreover clearly identified them in your report and stated that your power had been limited. You answered me that there had been a new order. I asked you whether that might not reoccur. You answered that one had to assume the government's good faith.
The last time that occurred, I imagine you also assumed that the government was in good faith and believed that that kind of thing would not happen. Despite that, you were denied access to documents.
There was subsequently a change in government, and this new government issued another order stating that all the information was now at your disposal, but, despite that, for some time, you have not had access to information that had been concealed from you. Consequently, for a new months, the documentation and information were not at the disposal of the general public or Parliament through the Office of the Governor General. There was something unsound there.
So that means that the same thing can happen again. Even though you say one has to assume the government is in good faith, this can occur again.
I can understand that one can say that there has been a new order and that one assumes that the government is in good faith, but, in view of this kind of situation, don't you think there is still a risk that this can happen? Shouldn't Parliament pass an act that, in the event of a change of government, would require the new government to make available to the Auditor General documents that were concealed by the previous government?
I know that's hypothetical, but, in my opinion, that can happen again.