Yes, and all I'm going to do, Chair, is read something into the record that we've dealt with before. I want it on the record for others to hear and think about too.
This is from Mario Arès, who was here. He's the regional director. He had that interesting e-mail of May 3, 2002, to Suzanne Cloutier. I quote:
It is not my intention to write a memorandum to the minister on this matter. Ever since we approved the lease of Place Victoria on April 2, 2002, for 5,790 square metres, the decisions on this file have been taken at the corporate level and are in opposition to our regional recommendations. The following points support my position.
Then there are five paragraphs. I will not read them, but there are two lines I would like to put on the record. One is:
It seems clear enough that the insistence on staying at Place Victoria in this case serves interests other than the sound management of public funds.
And last, there is another issue. Maybe we need to get a written response to this, but it seems pretty darn important:
Place Victoria never complied with our accessibility requirements for disabled persons and never showed any interest in doing so, and this won't change, which goes against our internal compliance policies.
I would like to know whether that still remains an outstanding issue vis-à-vis that public building, since it was identified earlier and would have been one of the reasons they moved.
With that, I'll say thanks, Chair.