Okay. I have here a memo to the regional director general for the Quebec region from the assistant deputy minister of the real property branch in which they talk about the fact that
At the June 12, 2001 meeting of the Investment Management Board (IMB), a request to approve a lease via public tender call was submitted for Canada Economic Development (CED) in downtown Montreal...
That's you. The project was for a 10-year term, etc.
Then later on, it says:
A few hours after the Board met, we were informed that the Minister's office had an interest in this project. It asked the region to put the project on hold. The understanding is that the region will have to monitor the situation and will be able to go ahead with the project only once this situation has been resolved.
Well, this situation never got resolved until taxpayers were stuck with an unnecessary $4.5 million bill, did it? So can you explain the minister's intervention in this particular instance?