Thank you.
In your report, in paragraph 11.18, you state that the
...Correctional Investigator generated little work product in six years. Senior managers and employees who we interviewed could not recall ever receiving documents or other written information from the former Correctional Investigator about any meetings he may have attended off OCI premises during the audit period.
When you couple it with paragraph 11.38, where it states:
The former Correctional Investigator spent the majority of his time from April to October each year at his summer residence, located on an island more than one and a half hours' drive from Ottawa,
it seems to indicate that there's very little work that can be pointed to, never mind when he was at his summer residence. And it seems to be a misnomer, by the way, because it states that he was there most of the time, April to October. So I guess it was more of a spring/summer/fall residence.
You also seemed to indicate that there wasn't a great deal of work done during the rest of the year when he seemed to be in the Ottawa offices--in the winter, I guess.