Mr. Chairman, I put this motion before the committee today because I believed our pursuit was to make sure we knew how the new Federal Accountability Act and everything that had been discovered by the Gomery report would function in a new light of accountability.
Dr. Franks had previously wanted to meet on several occasions in order to have a more fulsome report himself. The people at the Treasury Board are going to be the people we deal with all the time. We're talking about having a more fulsome participation in this report so we can table it. Right now, all we have is the report prepared by the consultant that we hired, and we just put our cover on it.
So, as I did before, I'm suggesting that you send a letter directly to the President of the Treasury Board insisting that he meet with Dr. Franks. I think that, frankly, Dr. Franks has a strong enough character to not be bamboozled or persuaded, as some people suggested in the last meeting, but rather to determine areas that he may not have fully investigated, where there might be some nuances, where there might be some additional text added to this report.