Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'd like to make a few points. I will not repeat the niceties.
I simply make the point that while Public Safety Canada and the Office of the Correctional Investigator are part of the same portfolio, each is headed by a deputy head who is the accounting officer for that body. Since the establishment as a separate agency in 1992 of the Office of the Correctional Investigator, the former Department of the Solicitor General and now Public Safety Canada does provide services in the area of financial and human resources management to the Office of the Correctional Investigator.
Mr. Chairman, the report of the Auditor General did identify some weaknesses in the way officials of my department have discharged their responsibilities over the years. I can assure the committee that the appropriate corrective measures have been identified and are being implemented.
For example, I referred the Auditor General's report to the RCMP. We developed a work plan to implement the recommendations made in the Auditor General's report. I can confirm that most of the corrective measures are already in place. For example, we now have a memorandum of understanding with the Office of the Correctional Investigator that clearly specifies the roles and responsibilities of each organization. We have also issued further guidance and tools to assist employees who have delegated financial and human resources responsibilities. I, and others in the Department of Public Safety, have worked closely with the Correctional Investigator, Mr. Howard Sapers, to address the issues raised in the Auditor General's report.
I would be pleased to respond to the committee's members.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.