Mr. Chairman, I refer to the blues of our meeting on February 21. On page 10--it was you speaking, Mr. Chairman--you said:
I suggest that the commissioner, assisted by Ms. George, undertake to provide us in writing the circumstances surrounding the so-called alleged dismissal of Sergeant Frizzell.
Further on, on the same page, Barbara George says:
If such a document exists, we will get that and provide it to you.
And the commissioner says:
You have my undertaking.
I thought the undertaking, Mr. Chairman, that you had asked for concerned the circumstances surrounding the situation, and all we have is a memo. The memo is fairly explicit, but the point is I thought the commissioner would have taken the direction of this committee and kind of fleshed out the whole situation and given us a full comprehensive understanding, rather than just sending on a memo. I have to say how disappointed I am at the commissioner, Mr. Chairman, that she would think that a memo she dug out of the files would suffice.