No. I was in human resources before I left. I came back under Assistant Commissioner Darrell LaFosse, who was looking for someone to come back.
But just on that point, I have to make it very clear that he was ready to take me before I ever left, and he was told, no, you can't have him, and I was sent to DND. On two further occasions, he kept trying to get me to come back; we had discussions about my coming back.
But what's really important for this, just to put clarity around some of the issues, is that in my discussion with Barb George when I was coming back, she actually said to me that I had to demonstrate to her why I deserved to come back. I'll find the exact quote in here. This has nothing to do with, as Mr. Zaccardelli says, my knowing for a year. It might be in his mind that I knew for a year from somewhere. I don't know where that opinion got formulated. May 28 is the day we found out.
In regard to all the audits, on June 17 when I went into Mr. Zaccardelli's office, at the request of Barb George, who was the only person, I believe, at that time who really knew exactly what was going on in the organization.... She was aware of Ron Lewis's complaint; I wasn't. On June 17, we left them paper. That created the audit, not May 28.