No, it's a point of privilege, Mr. Chairman.
In these last few weeks, while we've had a break, my name has been in the media. This was not by myself, Mr. Chairman; it has actually been by another member of the committee, Mr. Wrzesnewskyj. For example, on the CBC morning news on March 29, he stated, and I quote:
It's incomprehensible. When you take a look at the allegations, month after month and motion after motion in front of the public accounts committee, they blocked, including Mr. Williams. It's incomprehensible. What were they hiding?
Mr. Wrzesnewskyj has gone on at great length in the media, Mr. Chairman, to talk about me blocking the investigation into the RCMP.
I would like to quote, Mr. Chairman, from the February 26 public accounts committee testimony, where I said:
We had a hearing with the Commissioner of the RCMP and the chief of police for the Ottawa Police Service. They told us that nobody had benefited from the misaccounting of the funds in the pension fund. There was no evidence that they felt they could use to go to court to obtain a prosecution. This is with about 16 people being assigned to this case over a number of months. Therefore, I don't know what we can do that they couldn't do.
I continued on, Mr. Chairman, to say:
I just have one final point, Mr. Chairman, and it is that with perhaps one exception, if the letter comes back from the RCMP saying there was some serious mal-administration regarding the removal of Staff Sergeant Mike Frizzell from the case, then I'm prepared to revisit. At this point in time, though, I think we'll just have to say we're done with it.
Mr. Chairman, I have no problem with Mr. Wrzesnewskyj having his point of view. Whether it is correct or erroneous, that is up to him to defend it. But when he uses my name, Mr. Chairman, to bring the spotlight to himself, to try to claim that he was the architect of this investigation when he knew that nobody else appeared to be in command of the facts that he had.... He didn't share them with us. He didn't use the opportunity to enlighten us. And now he takes my name and uses it as if I was trying to block this investigation. That is completely false, Mr. Chairman.
I would ask that you ask Mr. Wrzesnewskyj to withdraw his remarks and apologize for the remarks he has been saying in the media and taking my name in vain.