I would like to speak in favour of the motion from Mr. Christopherson. This whole issue has shaken the confidence of many of us, and this process, what we call a process, here today is totally inadequate. It is unfair for people to have accusations made against them and not to have sufficient time to be able to respond, and going back and forth like that is not a positive process for us to be doing.
So I'm very supportive of moving forward on the inquiry. I think it's imperative for Canadians and all of us who love and respect the RCMP, as does Commissioner Zaccardelli and the others, that we make sure this is looked at clearly, that the air is cleared, and that Canadians and all of us have the confidence we need in the RCMP.
I think it's imperative that we go forth and have a full inquiry. Having Mr. Brown ask questions...he's not even going to get the amount of information that we're able to get through the committee process. So I think it's imperative that the process, after today, be squashed and a full public inquiry be called.