Okay, you didn't.
Let me ask you a question, Mr. Zaccardelli. You were very positive about Mr. Macaulay. It sounds like you think he made a mistake.
Now, on May 28 Mr. Lewis brought these allegations to your attention. On June 5, Mr. Lewis again made his formal written request to the commanding officer of A Division. On June 17--so now we're only three weeks later--Mr. Macaulay meets with you and brings forward pretty much the same allegations. On July 4, he sends a memo to you. In September, after his secondment, he meets with you again.
First of all, I'm curious--why would you send someone away who obviously had so much information regarding something that you deemed to be a very serious matter? I mean, he seems to be one of the few people who actually had the information you needed to get to the bottom of this.