One of the most troubling aspects in this matter is the contracting that was carried out through the NCPC, and we have here the director, Mr. Dominic Crupi. The Auditor General has signalled that many of the contracts were given out with ultimately little or no value in return for the money that was paid. These moneys came from the pension fund and in many cases paid for matters that were not related to pension administration.
I have here in my possession the KPMG audit on Consulting and Audit Canada, relating to 45 specific contracts. Many of them involved your organization, Mr. Crupi. This document has until now been largely blocked out through its ATI, but here it is in full, and I'll table it later on.
I'd like to start by asking you who approved using Consulting and Audit Canada services instead of RCMP or PWGSC contracting services? Was that you, Mr. Crupi?